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Christendom Deranged altruism

Either you accept a nigger Pope…

or burn in Hell eternally!

At Gates of Vienna, a fanatic commenter said:

As a Deacon, my number one duty and concern is for the human soul, to which I will post one last question to you: Cardinal Arinze (may God bless him and grant him 100 years) is from Nigeria and was very close to being Pope, were in not for the election of our blessed Pope Benedict. If he were elected would you have let him “govern” you in all spiritual matters?

If you would reject a Cardinal, Pope, Priest or ANY cleric who is orthodox in teaching and in a position of authority simply because you don’t like the color of his skin, then you are an anathema to toe One True and Holy church and may be condemning your immortal soul to the fires of hell.

Once again, I ask if this means anything to you.

Source: here

4 replies on “Either you accept a nigger Pope…”


The Achilles heel of Western civilization based on Christian ‘ideals’ is that all immigrants must be accepted – even welcomed – even COURTED – first in their home countries via foreign aid without behavioral requirements and then in the West via unlimited financially-supported immigration – to the literal and figurative expense of Western civilization, culture, and peoples in favor of foreign immigrants…

—was one of the comments which got the good deacon furious. Fascinating discussion at Gates of Vienna that, as you know, is run by two pious, counter-Jihad Catholics who support Israel with all their heart.

This is another sentence that infuriated the deranged altruist:

I understand that you are a Catholic deacon, and that you place religion before ethnic ties. [my emphasis]

And here’s another one:

You place Christianity above all else, and care little, it seems, whether Europeans are displaced so long as those doing the displacing worship the same God as you.

“We have spilt an ocean of blood for the brotherhood and unity of our peoples and we shall not allow anyone to touch or destroy it from within.” –Josip Broz Tito

“The role that the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity plays in your culture is well known. At depth, they are Christian ideas. ” –John Paul II

I was about to write a long post, but you summed up what would have been a long-winded “article” on my part saying what you managed to say in one sentence.
I’ll just post: Who needs communism when you got christianity?

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