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“Expecto Patronum!”


The stolen soul back to the Aryan body

The Occidental Observer (TOO) has just closed what seems to be the last thread where people were still commenting after Dr. Kevin MacDonald decided to close comments, presumably because he has no time to monitor all the threads. I could not even reply to a question raised by the article’s author herself (but I would be glad to respond here, in the comments section).

Since my last posts at WDH dealt with German people carrying an enormous weight of guilt—a false sense of guilt insofar as the system hid from them both the First and the Third Acts of WW2 opera, to use the metaphor of one of my recent posts—, it seems pertinent to quote some inspiring words that Heike, a German woman, posted just before the comments were closed:

Du sollst an Deutschlands Zukunft glauben,
An deines Volkes Auferstehen.
Lass diesen Glauben dir nicht rauben,
Trotz allem, allem was geschehen.

English translation:

You must believe in the future of Germany,
In your people’s resurrection.
Let this faith you do not rob,
Despite everything, everything done.

—Albert Matthäi

The following was my last comment at TOO. Addressing Heike I wrote (the italicized paragraph are her words):

Thank you for your kind words.

Those that hate being German and try to destroy everything German are in a coma. You know, people in a coma have a chance of waking up—though uncommon, especially after such a long time of being in one.

Like the Romantics of Woodsworth’s age, I spend lots of time in long walks. One of the things that I have told me over and over during those walks is that the Aryan people are like Sirius Black in the Harry Potter film when Black was unconscious after being attacked by the Dementors. [“Dementors” = the Second Act of the WW2 “opera”—Holocaustianity] Before Harry sees a distant figure cast a powerful Patronus, Black is having his soul sucked out his mouth in the form of a small, glowing, white dot. Following medieval imagery, after the Patronus charm the white dot returns inside Black’s mouth.

[YouTube clip: here]

Harry’s invocation of the Patronus later on the film is the climax of this movie for kids. And it is exactly what the Germanic peoples need: a powerful spell to bring their stolen souls back to their bodies.

I believe this can be done by conveying the Holodomor and Hellstorm message through the spoken word…

4 replies on ““Expecto Patronum!””

They closed their comments and I stopped reading. If they don’t have time or personnel to keep watch over their boards, then they should just close the site down. What good is it to the authors if they get no response to their writings.

In this case they are no different than sites that support the system who ban anyone who doesn’t follow the party line.

A subtle method of self censorship, meanwhile the jew rejoices and gives each other high fives.

Intellectuals can’t hack fanatic/extremist/warriors.

Exactly. I stopped reading it too.

Academics are completely clueless that you need the whole input of the right hemisphere of the brain—emotions!—in blogs (MacDonald already has The Occidental Quarterly for the academic pieces; he could have left TOO for more sanguine comments).

Remember that famous scene of Kate Winslet (playing Marianne Dashwood) telling Hugh Grant (playing Edward Ferrars, “Mr F”) that his poem-reading was rather dull in the 1995 film Sense and Sensibility?

We need lots of Ms Dashwoods in the movement in addition to the phlegmatic “Mr F”! (Today I skipped Alex Kurtagic’s TOO article because, like everything he writes, lacks Dashwood-like emotions.)

“The Occidental Observer (TOO) has just closed what seems to be the last thread where people were still commenting after Dr. Kevin MacDonald decided to close comments, presumably because he has no time to monitor all the threads…”

I stopped reading TOO days ago when I first noticed the comments closed. This is going to hurt the TOO website. I cannot see the point of reading the articles if question and discussion are not provided for. I agree with Brandon; yet another victory for the Jews.

“I believe this can be done by conveying the Holodomor and Hellstorm message through the spoken word…”

Right there with you. That was one of my main conclusions when I woke up here in the U.S. over the last couple years. Germany and those events are ground zero. And like the generation that were tricked into fighting that fratricidal war, so it is for us that the only way home is through Berlin.

The Red Phoenix of German idealism and self respect, expressed through tenderness and ferocity, needs to be released from beneath the lashes of those Lilliputians that now struggle with all of their might to keep it pinned to the ground in the basement of the German soul.

As go Germany, so goes the world.

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