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Helmut Stellrecht Hitler Youth

“Law and Justice”


From Faith and Action (1938) by Helmut Stellrecht for the Hitler Youth:

It is better that the individual suffers under the law than that there be no law.

§ Law defeats arbitrariness, for all are the same to it. Humanity is not permitted to exercise supreme justice. But the law gives the individual judge the measure of justice and punishment. Justice no longer rests on what the individual thinks, but rather the law must be anchored in the sentiments of the whole people. That is the case when a people has its own law, not that of another people.

§ The state is founded on justice. Injustice destroys it. A state without justice is the playground of freebooters and highwaymen. The farmer, the worker and the citizen need law to protect their labors. Law protects honor, life, marriage, possessions, all those things that we want and must have as the foundations of our state. The judge, fully independent, projects justice. The policeman is not the representative of some arbitrary order, but rather of that which a people find good and right.

§ No sacrifice is too great in the cause of justice. “It is better that my son die than justice perish in the world,” a great Prussian king once said.

§ We want justice once more to rule in Germany, that great, unwritten justice that came to us with our blood. It should be the law in Germany that all obey this justice.

§ Justice is not that which serves the individual, but rather that which serves the people. That is the supreme law of National Socialism, to which all must bow.