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Blacks Egalitarianism Intelligence quotient (IQ) Racial studies

On Procrustes

by Franklin Ryckaert

Unequality is a basic fact of human life. There is unequality between individuals within groups and there is unequality between groups (*). This is so evident that denying it is a form of insanity. Can a moron be made a genius by better education? Would paying his educators more money or threatening them with sanctions if they fail do the trick? The idea is preposterous, yet this is exactly the policy in the US when it comes to educating Blacks and Hispanics.

The source of this insanity is the emotional idea that somehow equality is a basic human right. “All men are equal” is the slogan, but seeing that unequality is the reality in society, our egalitarian idealists now try to rectify this “injustice.” This can only be achieved by the “Procrustes method” i.e., artificially favoring the inferior while artificially harming the superior. The result is the dominance of incompetence and the ruin of society.


Theseus attacks Procrustes.
Anonymous painting in the background
of a Kilix Attic red-figure 440 BC.

(*) The findings of Richard Lynn’s intelligence quotient (IQ) and the Wealth of Nations about the distribution of IQ among human populations could be summarized thusly:

  • The “yellow ” group (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese): IQ 105.
  • The “white” group (Europeans): IQ 100.
  • The “brown” group ( Mestizos, Amerindians, American Blacks, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Indians, South East Asians): IQ 85.
  • The “black” group (sub-Sahara Africans): IQ 70.
  • Finally at the bottom: Australian Aborigines: IQ 62, Bushmen and Pygmies: IQ 54.

American Blacks differ from African Blacks because they carry White genes for 20% due to miscegenation.

Differences in talent and temperament between human races are genetic and therefore cannot be changed by education. Unequality is the reality of life. Sanity is the acceptance of reality.

3 replies on “On Procrustes”

IQ is not really sufficient and is missing something. Take the Yellows for instance. Technically they have a higher IQ, but it doesn’t really translate to the real world. If the world had waited for the Yellow Race to bring innovation, all progress would have stopped. Name one original world changing invention to come from them in the last 500 years. Even when they do invent something it just languishes. There is a good reason why Whites have been the top of the heap for centuries, but it isn’t properly shown in the IQ measurement.

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