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Library of Alexandria St Paul Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 147


5th July 1942, evening

Falsification of war communiqués—Switzerland believes the Jewish lies—Britain in the hands of the Jews—Conservation of our racial integrity—Farcical success of Saint Paul.

Commenting on a completely false Soviet war communiqué which had been published in the Swedish and Swiss Press as well as in that of Britain and America, the Fuehrer said: These communiqués are typical Jewish fabrications. Although they do not even give names of places, they are nevertheless published by news agencies all the world over; and the explanation is, of course, that these agencies themselves are for the most part in the hands of Jews.

Unfortunately, this Jewish twaddle is being accepted without question not only in Britain and America, but also in Sweden and Switzerland.

Thanks to the development of National Socialist Germany, I firmly believe, if only on purely biological grounds, we shall succeed in surpassing the British to such an extent that, with one hundred and fifty to two hundred million Germans, we shall become the undisputed masters of the whole of Europe.

A recrudescence of the problem Rome or Carthage in the new guise of Germany or Great Britain is not, in my opinion, possible. For the result of this war will be that, whereas in Britain each additional million of population will be an additional burden on the island itself, the increasing growth of our own races will have open to them horizons of political and ethnological expansion which are limitless.

Further, any alleviation of the overcrowding of towns by a movement back to the land is not possible in Britain, for this would necessitate an immediate revolution of the whole social system of the Kingdom, which, in its turn, would lead to the disintegration of the rest of the Empire.

These very important facts have been largely overlooked in Britain because the country is ruled not by men of intelligence but by Jews, as one must realise when one sees how the intrigues of the Jews in Palestine are accepted in Britain without comment or demur.

One odour most important tasks will be to save future generations from a similar political fate and to maintain for ever watchful in them a knowledge of the menace of Jewry. For this reason alone it is vital that the Passion Play be continued at Oberammergau; for never has the menace of Jewry been so convincingly portrayed as in this presentation of what happened in the times of the Romans. There one sees in Pontius Pilate a Roman racially and intellectually so superior, that he stands out like a firm, clean rock in the middle of the whole muck and mire of Jewry.

The preservation of our racial purity can be assured only by an awareness of the racial issues involved; our laws, therefore, must be framed with the sole object of’ protecting our people not only against Jewish, but also against any and every racial infection.

We must do all we can to foster this racial awareness until it attains the same standard as obtained in Rome in the days of her glory. In those days the Roman protected himself subconsciously against any racial adulteration. The same thing occurred in Greece at the height of her power; according to reports handed down to us, the very market place itself in Athens shook with laughter when St. Paul spoke there in favour of the Jews. If nowadays we do not find the same splendid pride of race which distinguished the Grecian and Roman eras, it is because in the fourth century these Jewish-Christians systematically destroyed all the monuments of these ancient civilisations. It was they, too, who destroyed the library at Alexandria.

Harold Covington

Covington on Roof

“A special Radio Free Northwest on the events
of last week in Charleston, South Carolina” (here).

Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 148

6th July 1942, at dinner

In the course of our many electoral tours my companions and I have got to know and to love the Reich from Berlin to its uttermost corners. As for the most part I was invited to take my meals en famille, I also got to know intimately Germans all over Germany.

There I used to meet whole families, in which the father would be working in our political section, the mother was a member of the Women’s Association, one brother was in the SS, the other in the Hitler Youth, and the daughter was in the German Girls’ League. And so when we all meet once a year at the Party Rally at Nuremberg, it always gives me the impression of being just one huge family gathering.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Kali Yuga Red terror Tom Sunic

Frost responds to Sunic

My latest two posts dealt with Hadding Scott’s article about Dylann Roof. Today Tom Sunic took issue with the arguments of the commenters I reproduced in those posts:

Hadding is correct when stressing the importance of education in white awareness—white civility might be a better locution. This is a long and painful process. The Soviet commissars in the 70’s were far more afraid of the pen of the one single Solzhenitsyn than of millions of Bible- thumping anti-commie preachers in the USA. If Roof had had a foresight of the standard “who benefits?” question, he would have never done the killing. Unless he himself has either a very low IQ, or worse, a sizable portion of criminal chromosomes, which, to be sure one encounters among some wannabe EU and US Hollywood- Nazis and self-proclaimed White nationalists, whose actions discredit the plight of millions of other Whites.

Jack Frost responded first by quoting Sunic:

“The Soviet commissars in the 70’s were far more afraid of the pen of the one single Solzhenitsyn than of millions of Bible-thumping anti-commie preachers in the USA…”

This is the same Solzhenitsyn who said:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? SolyenitsinOr if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more—we had no awareness of the real situation… We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

“Education” or agitprop has its place, but in my view it’s primarily a recruitment tool. Without people willing to take action it’s useless. Eventually things come to a pass where action is required, and that’s where people like Roof and Mathews come in. I have to say that I think anyone who denigrates the actions of our street fighters or disavows them is deeply mistaken and acting in a disgraceful fashion. Withholding an endorsement is one thing, but actively attacking them and giving support to the oppressive system is really what’s foolish and counter-productive.

See also my comment below.

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Nordicism Racial studies Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 149


7th July 1942, midday
The real protagonists of culture, both in the thousand years before Christ and in the thousand years after him, were the peoples of the Mediterranean. This may appear improbable to us today, because we are apt to judge these people from present-day appearances. But that is a great mistake.


Editor’s note: Read “The face of Classical Europe”
– Greece (here) and Rome (here).

Civil war Feminized western males

Further reply

Jack Frost responded thus to the feminized white nationalists at The Occidental Observer who are dismayed by Dylann’s actions:


Tell us, please, how you expect to take back the media, the government, and academia without violence. What magic words are you going to utter that your adversaries are just going to shrug and hand over power without a fight? Frankly, I have no idea what you mean by an educational project, when at the same time you claim that hardly anything has been done in that regard up to now.

Over 150 years ago Darwin tried to educate the entire world as to racial inequality, but the white man would have none of it, conflicting as it did with Christian creation myths. Sir Francis Galton, Lothrop Stoddard, and Madison Grant tried to talk to the public about race, but got shouted down or ignored. Charles Lindbergh, a great American hero, tried to tell the semitophilic public about the Jews, and he was ostracized. Ezra Pound, some say America’s greatest poet, likewise fell into disgrace due to his educational efforts regarding Jewish money power.

One could say much the same about one of America’s greatest industrialists, Henry Ford, who documented his case against the Jews meticulously and even gave free copies of his work to all of his customers. He eventually was compelled to issue a retraction and a grovelling apology, perhaps the first of its kind in what is now a long tradition. Even our host, Kevin MacDonald, has expended considerable effort in this regard, and has received the usual recompense.

Blacks Civil war Justice / revenge

Jack Frost on Dylann Roof


Editor’s note:

At last we have a slightly better article about Dylann Roof’s actions, this one by Hadding Scott at The Occidental Observer. Many of the previous blog entries in other white nationalist blogs bordered on hysteria to say the least. As to the moment of writing, Jack Frost’s reply to Scott’s statements is the only one that merits reproduction here:


* * *


The illegal action that Dylann Roof undertook is utterly ineffectual for whatever pro-White goal he may have had in mind — certainly, even counterproductive.

Actions like these have to be seen in context. They have the potential to take on an increased significance quickly and cause the system to decompensate and lose control. For example, when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914, it was far from clear that it would trigger WWI, although one might conjecture that possibility occurred to the assassin. As the long hot summer of 2015 is ushered in, you could say that America is awaiting its Archduke Ferdinand moment. As is admitted in the previous paragraph:

At best, one might suppose that he feels an obligation toward the White children in Charleston who must attend schools with Blacks, and hoped that a general race war would ensue from his initiative.

That may or may not have been his thinking. But if he really was trying to cause a race war, he may have also reasoned that the last thing he should do is say so. Likewise, it may have been his intent to cause a government crackdown on firearms, perhaps even initiate a ban on private ownership and a general confiscation. That is something that might destabilize the system enough to cause a civil war. But again, if that was his plan, it seems obvious that he should refrain from saying so.

The fact that his manifesto came to the public’s attention at all seems to have been inadvertent, which makes me think that he probably didn’t do this as an attempt to manipulate public opinion. In a way, it recalls the Las Vegas shooting in June of last year, in which Jared and Amanda Miller assassinated two policemen, leaving their swastika-stamped manifesto on one of the bodies. That manifesto never came to public view, as far as I know; apparently it’s been suppressed. (link)

There’s definitely an increasing amount of hatred directed at the police from all quarters. That’s a heartening sign for those who realize that it’s only the totalitarian control of the system that forces the races to live together. Police are the system’s bully boys, and hatred for them is a good thing from a revolutionary point of view. Should the system fail to the point of collapse, the races will separate naturally, without effort. An “educational project” would not be necessary.

Feminism Harold Covington Patriarchy

Phony traditionalists

One of the most bothersome aspects among today’s racists is their feminism, so much that I’ve been tempted to quote the many feminist passages in Harold Covington’s Freedom’s Sons. (Covington is supposedly the toughest neo-Nazi in America insofar as he is planning a violent revolution to takeover the Northwest for whites.)

1950s American family valuesCovington aside, what should be accepted wisdom among real traditionalists, patriarchy, is altogether missing in many quarters of white nationalists. Andrew Anglin’s recent articles exposing these phony traditionalists are worth reading (e.g., here and here).

Civil war William Pierce

Jew killer

by William Pierce

RJMWhat Robert Mathews [1953-1984] did will remain incomprehensible to many White Americans. How can your average “yuppy,” steeped in the values of the “me” generation, understand Mathews’ concern for the type of world his son would inherit?

How can the clever lawyer in his $500 suit, accustomed to figuring all the angles before making a move, fathom the soul of someone who knew that he must act, regardless of the personal consequences, because it was his responsibility as a man to do so?

How can America’s soft, feminized, materialistic masses have any idea of the thinking of a man who made a deliberate choice to die, when he might have lived—to die fearlessly and defiantly—solely so his death could set an example for other fearless and defiant fighters who would follow him in the years and decades to come?

No, many Americans will not understand. But some will. And they will also understand that in the final showdown there will be no other way but Bob Mathews’ way.

No combination of clever lawyers, yuppies, and Joe Sixpacks will ever beat the Jews. Money will not beat them. Brains alone will not beat them. Votes will not beat them. But blood will, eventually.

The Jews know how to deal with materialists, who think the way they do. They have long experience at outmaneuvering clever schemers and outspending well-heeled opponents. They are past masters of intimidation and bribery. They will always whip those who try to fight them on the Jews’ own terms.

But how will the Jews cope with the man who does not fear them and is willing, even glad, to give his life in order to hurt them? What will they do when a hundred good men rise up to take Bob Mathews’ place? Where will they find enough secret police to protect them?

It is a hard truth to face, but America has gone far beyond the point where its problems might have been overcome bloodlessly or with relatively little sacrifice. The evil which has spread across the land can still be destroyed, but only by men like Robert Mathews—only when enough such men have been awakened and have said to themselves, as he did: “I have no choice. I must stand up like a White man and do battle.”


Excerpted from National Vanguard magazine,
issue No. 103, January-February 1985.

Currency crash

Ron Paul:

Economy will soon have “day of reckoning
when you’ll see the very, very big crash”


ron-paul-timeAs the stock market surged close to all-time highs and the Federal Reserve hinted it wouldn’t raise interest rates, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) reiterated his fears that the US economy is not sustainable, predicting a huge crash in the near future.

“I look at the markets as being unstable, which means some days they go up a lot and some days they go down rapidly, but they don’t advance very far when you look at real growth,” Paul said on CNBC’s Futures Now on Thursday. “The [Federal Reserve] won’t allow this market to drop. This is why I’ve always leaned toward the assumption that the Fed is never going to raise interest rates deliberately. I think the market will raise interest rates.”

On Wednesday, the Fed released a statement that indicated it would not raise interest rates at this time, leading stocks to surge on Thursday. The Nasdaq topped its intraday high from March 2000, while the S&P 500 closed less than 1 percent off its all-time high.

Paul blamed the Chairman of the Federal Reserve for causing economic instability, noting that their every word can be interpreted by the market actors in radical and unexpected ways, leading to “havoc.” Market-determined interest rates, he suggested, would lead to more stability and better results for the economy.

“And we live in a chaotic world that’s totally unreal—people don’t depend on savings for their capital, they depend on the Fed. And the Fed says the slightest thing about, ‘Oh, maybe we shouldn’t print so much money til next week’, you know, all kinds of things can happen,” he added. “Eventually the value of money, the purchasing power of money will require that interest rates go up. But that is the game they’re playing, they fool a lot of people and as long as people believe the majority of the players still believe this, they’ll still be involved and they’re gonna make a lot of money.”

One of the things that Paul is adamant will happen is that the stock market will crash, bringing with it the entire USand possibly worldeconomy with it.

“It could be tomorrow, it could be a month, it could be a couple years because it all depends on a psychological acceptance of the system,” he said. “I don’t think there’s any way to know what the time is but, you know, after 35 years of a gigantic bull market in bonds, believe me, they cannot reverse history. You cannot print money forever and deceive the markets forever.”

“Eventually, the markets will rule, and that’s only a question of when that will happen. And, of course, I run a little bit scared because I think there will be a day of reckoning,” Paul added.

Paul blames the “fallacy of economic planning through monetary policy” for the instability in the economy.

“You cannot have it, it’s artificial, it has nothing to do with freedom and free markets and capitalism and sound money, but it’s all artificial, it’s all political and that is why we are so vulnerable,” he said. “So we’re all on the verge—the country, the world is on the verge of looking more like Detroit and Greece than anything else. But [in] time that will happen—it’s probably not going to happen tomorrow or next month, but it will happen because this is unsustainable.”

Paul said he thinks the market correction is “going to be a lot more than anybody anticipates.”

“What I’m looking at is the ‘big one’, where all the malinvestment, all the mistakes made, all the pyramiding, all the unworthy debt that has been created, sovereign debt—our sovereign debt is really not payable… there’s no way the debt is going to paid—so the debt has to be liquidated, and that will come, but the big question is when will it come,” he said.

In the stock market crash of 1929, which marked the beginning of the Great Depression, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 11 percent of its value in one day.

“But as far as corrections go, I think 10 percent is puny. I think it’s going to be much greater and it will probably go a lot lower than people say it should… you know, markets overshoot,” Paul added.

And when the markets overshoot, Paul said, the result will be far worse than when the economy crashed in 2008, leading to the Great Recession. Because this time, the US won’t be able to bail the economy out.

“I don’t think it’s just going to be a correction. I think what will happen is the efforts made in ‘08 and ‘09 to correct all these mistakes will resume itself. That was just a notion of what the markets wanna do, but because they could bail out the big guys—the banks and big corporations—they were able to tide it over and restore confidence, so to speak,” Paul said. “But eventually though, the restoration of confidence in the system that doesn’t deserve confidence will be resumed. They will lose the confidence, and that is when you’ll see the very, very big crash.”