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Fighting the jews

But jews fight not just on the battlefield, they primarily fight thru money mechanisms and mass media control. They must there be countered.

Alex Linder

12 replies on “Fighting the jews”

There is no way in hell you could get Anglo-Saxons to divert their precious wealth, let alone organize an Anglo in such a way as to mount a collective media offensive against the Jews.

Anglo-Saxons are way too selfish and treacherous to ever rally under such a noble banner.

Germans have proven themselves up for this task, and I very much hope they do this again.

But anything West of Germany I have no hope in. In fact the Anglo world needs to atone for the genocide it attempted against the Germanic people, and surely enough their very own genocide at the hands of the Jews seems to be a fitting punishment.

All my hope is with Germans and Slavs. I believe these are the only White people left in the world who have the virtue necessary for survival.

Anglos are totally degenerate and despicable peoples.

The Britfags, for example are totally fine with giving their women away: link

The Germans are every bit as bad as the British and Swedes. The British, by the way, kept jews out of their country longer than any other European nation, to the best of my knowledge. The Slavs, meanwhile, are too indolent to mount any resistance against jews. That’s why it was the East and not the West that became the vector for bolshevism. No White subrace is better than any other at fighting jews, and no European race/race aside from the Romans truly fought jews by trying to completely destroy them.

Well no, the Germans are no where near as bad as the British.

Did the Germans firebomb themselves? Did the Germans stab themselves in the back when they were fighting the Bolsheviks?

Sounds like something a philo-Semitic Britfag would do.

And no other Europeans nation has kept Jews in their country for as long and safely as the Britfags have.

At least the Slavs have organized fascist gangs actually doing stuff:


By the time you arouse the self-righteous indignation of a smug, Britfag cuckold you know you’re doing something right.

Meanwhile Britfags are quite happy to watch their girls get raped by more masculine men from the turd world. How pathetic can you get?

Your wishful thinking of racial equality amongst White subraces is the exact type of sentimental faggotry which marks a liberal. Which you’ve now revealed yourself to be.

Cry harder you woman.

The Nazis fought the Jews just as fiercely, (probably more) when they attempted to destroy Bolshevism.

And if it weren’t for the faggot Anglo-Saxon traitors or Britain and the JewSA, the valiant Teuton would have succeeded and brought a peace to the world that the anglo dogs are incapable of foreseeing. Let alone accomplishing by their own weak hands.

I say fuck the Anglos.

I’d rather call a Slav my brother than have one of those faggots under my banner.

First of all, I’m not Anglo, I’m Slavic-Germanic.

Secondly, when was the last time you spoke to a German? They are unbelievably cucked and take pleasure in their own racial defilement. The vast majority of the populace is hopelessly brainwashed. Muslims and niggers commit rapes and murders all the time in Germany and Germans don’t give a shit anymore than the Brits do.

Third, I never said European sub-races were equally intelligent, I said no sub-race is better or worse when it comes to fighting jews. European countries spent 2,000 kicking out jews and letting them back in a few years later. No European nation even attempted to simply wipe them out and be through with them, and that’s troubling.

Whites have a serious malfunction when it comes to dealing with these people. It may have something to do with Christianity but I honestly think it’s because we see them as a competing tribe as opposed to what they actually are: parasites. Jews are not a rival group, they are a vector for race-destroying disease.

Fourth, the National Socialists were too nice to the jews and didn’t match the Romans in their hatred of them. The National Socialists were too nice to everyone in general, even their enemies.

Fifth, if the Anglos are so terrible then why are Swedes currently the biggest laughing stock of the White race?

Six, Slavs are just as Judaized as Westerners, and many don’t even consider themselves White. Putin jails National Socialists and even Russian nationalists, and if NS gangs are roaming the streets in Russia, it’s only because the system there is so dysfunctional and incompetent that Putin’s government can’t track them as well as the governments of the West can.


“Putin jails National Socialists and even Russian nationalists, and if NS gangs are roaming the streets in Russia, it’s only because the system there is so dysfunctional and incompetent that Putin’s government can’t track them as well as the governments of the West can.

I think you are greatly underestimating Putin who was former KGB. If Putin’s government can’t track NS gangs roaming Russian streets, it is because they don’t want to track them!

Putin’s handling of Chechnya proves that Putin is only interested in eliminating those who directly threaten his own power base. Otherwise, he brokers his own separate peace with a popular leader and rewards his loyalty lavishly like Kadyrov who then eliminates any insurgency himself. Putin even had Chechnyans helping Russian separatists in the Ukraine during its last conflict.

I think Putin pays a lot of lip service and token displays to unipolar NWO globalism to avoid the fates of Saddam Hussein or Muammar Khadaffi, but he believes in a multipolar system which is dominated by Russia.

I honestly believe that the NS gangs roaming Russian streets do so under the tacit approval of the Russian government. With all the sabre-rattling the USA likes to do over the Ukraine, it makes sense to make sure that Russia has its own insurgency forces fully trained and ready to go in case of an American or NATO invasion.

I seriously don’t what you claim about yourself. There is no way to verify that over the internet, but I suspect you are indeed Anglo since a German-Slav would not really care about what I wrote the way you do.

Yes, I know Germans very well. The differences is that the Jews needed to kill tones of Germans and Slavs in order to force them to accept Bolshevism.

Anglo-Saxon faggot britfags and American’ts cede very freely to the Jews with very little compulsion. In fact, that’s being overly generous. These Anglo faggots are active collaborators and traitors.

“Third, I never said European sub-races were equally intelligent,”

And neither did I respond to that argument, so I have no idea why you are disingenuously pretending like you were making this argument before, because you weren’t. Read the above again, you selectively ignorant liar.

“I said no sub-race is better or worse when it comes to fighting jews.”

I’ve already showed this to be wrong, the fact that you’re still peddling that nonsense proves how thick you really are.

“…Slavs are just as Judaized as Westerners, and many don’t even consider themselves White. Putin jails National Socialists and even Russian nationalists”

Now this is a very inconsistent line of reasoning: Slavs don’t consider themselves White, yet they are National Socialists? So which one is it?

“if NS gangs are roaming the streets in Russia, it’s only because the system there is so dysfunctional and incompetent that Putin’s government can’t track them as well as the governments of the West can.”

Maybe a better explanation is that Western nations are full of degenerate Anglo-Saxon faggot cuckolds who don’t care at all if their daughters get raped by Pakis. Rotherham proved how cowardly British men are.

Slavs in comparison are much more virtuous and noble. Anglo-Saxons are very degenerate people to let the Jew drag them below the level of a Slav. Or even an Arab. By the time an Arab is acting more virtuous than you then you can be certain your race doesn’t deserve to live anymore.

The differences is that the Jews needed to kill tones of Germans and Slavs in order to force them to accept Bolshevism.

Cromwell brought the jews into England through conquest and bloodshed as well. And what’s your excuse for Scandinavia? The jews never butchered them to any large degree. They just took over the media after WW2 and propagandized the Nordics just as they did in the US and UK.

And yes, the jews murdered tons of Slavs during their takeover of Eastern Europe, which makes the Slavs even more detestable for spilling European blood in WW2 on the orders of their oppressors. Even Solzhenitsyn couldn’t understand why Slavs didn’t fight back against the secret police.

Anglo-Saxon faggot britfags and American’ts cede very freely to the Jews with very little compulsion. In fact, that’s being overly generous. These Anglo faggots are active collaborators and traitors.

So are Scandinavian, German, and Slavic elites. What politician in Eastern Europe has stood up to the jews? Putin practically thanked them for giving Russia the wonderful gift of bolshevism.

Now this is a very inconsistent line of reasoning: Slavs don’t consider themselves White, yet they are National Socialists? So which one is it?

Did I say no Slavs consider themselves White? No. I said many Slavs don’t consider themselves White. If you disagree, why is Putin’s philosophy rooted in what Dugin calls Eurasianism, and who do so many Russians hate what they call “Western racism” and “fascism?” It’s because so many Russians are mixed-race mongrels that they’re filed with inferiority when compared to Western Whites.

Maybe a better explanation is that Western nations are full of degenerate Anglo-Saxon faggot cuckolds who don’t care at all if their daughters get raped by Pakis. Rotherham proved how cowardly British men are.

Yes British men are cowards, but what are Slavic men doing to end sexual tourism in Eastern Europe? What are they doing to end the jewish-run sex slave trade? How many thousands of Slavic women are raped every year in brothels in Israel? Why have no politicians in Eastern Europe done anything about this? Rotterham was horrendous, but what’s happening to Slavic women worldwide is worse, and no Eastern European government gives a shit.

Slavs in comparison are much more virtuous and noble.

Yeah like Pussy Riot and Femen? Get lost.

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@ Brother M-

I know I am just a woman here, but the Slavs tend to be more willing to fight because historically they have been poor. Poor people and people who have had to scrap tend to have more of an identity. Wealth and unearned wealth most especially, tends to make people cowardly. The Brits had it all and then handed it over to the kikes.

There are many Germanics, Slavs, and Anglos in the J-USA that have yet to actualize their European identity and fight the kikes. In time, as things further degenerate, they will. It just takes time.


Did I say no Slavs consider themselves White? No. I said many Slavs don’t consider themselves White. If you disagree, why is Putin’s philosophy rooted in what Dugin calls Eurasianism, and who do so many Russians hate what they call “Western racism” and “fascism?” It’s because so many Russians are mixed-race mongrels that they’re filed with inferiority when compared to Western Whites.

Putin’s Eurasianism Philosophy arose as a nation-preserving mechanism in the face of the Anti-White NWO Globalism that originates from the Jews and their Shabby Goy allies running the Anglo-American Alliance.

He is trying to take advantage of the fact that Western Europeans have historically dismissed Slavs as Whites who were mongrelized by the Mongols, making them Eurasian. And I think he is smart to do this. We may have forgotten, but he has not, that the same Marxists who are controlling the West wiped out sixty million of his own people AKA the White Russians. So, he takes the Anti-White propaganda from the Anglo-American alliance very seriously.

I seriously don’t understand why Putin’s Eurasianism Philosophy is or should be an issue with White Nationalists in the face of Arab Americans (who desperately fought to be recognized as White a hundred years ago) are now trying to get themselves thrown out of the White category and Americans have their own Fauxcahontas Princesses and Cherokee Princes, not to mention Rachel Dolezal to demonstrate how dubious “White Privilege” is these days.

There is no such thing as “Eurasia.” There is Europe and there is Asia. The people referred to as “Eurasians” are simply Asians, and when Putin and Dugin talk about Eurasia, they merely mean Asia.

“I recognize only two nations, the Occident, and the Orient.” – Napoleon

How can Eurasianism not be dangerous to White identity? Putin is basically announcing that Russia a non-White nation.

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