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Whites don’t mind

by Jack Frost

19th-century cartoon depicting Jack Frost

“Most Americans think that illegal immigration is bad but legal immigration is good. A slow start to awakening White Americans. It doesn’t do much good if we let them come here legally and they still go on welfare, do poor in school and commit crimes.”

Even more Americans think that assimilation is good and failure of immigrants to assimilate is bad. But actually, though it might, at least in the short term, be good for civilization, assimilation would only speed race mixing and hasten the extinction of the white race.

This is rather obvious, but whites don’t seem to mind.

An examination of history will show that whites are actually much more loyal to the civilization they’ve built than they are to their own existence as a race. Forced to choose between the two, they invariably try to preserve their civilization at the expense of race.

For example, the states they have built, which are the political form of this civilization takes, promote racial equality as a matter of good public policy, in order to minimize disruptions to the system caused by racial friction, while at the same time making the best use of human capital.

That such an arrangement spells the doom of discrete races is built in, but it’s apparently a result to which whites, some of them albeit reluctantly, have become reconciled. Certainly it’s a result which the Christian religion, with its teachings of racelessness, the moral value of self-sacrifice, and fanatic belief in a continued life after death, has amply prepared them to accept.

2 replies on “Whites don’t mind”

“…and fanatic belief in a continued life after death…”

There’s a very popular blog by a Scandinavian pagan visited by quite a few white nationalists that the other day discussed reincarnation as a legit “spiritual” endeavour for ethno-nationalists.

Pathetic! Whites have still to come to terms with the fact that post-mortem hopes of personal survival are always detrimental for racial interests (even if some pre-Christian Scandinavians believed it).

It seems to me that the development of post-mortem “happy places” (eg. Valhalla, Elysium) in pre-Christian European cultures are indicative of spiritual degeneracy. If I remember correctly, the desolate Hades was originally the only “kingdom of the dead” in Hellenistic culture. The idea of a happy, redeemed existence in heaven could due to this not have felt too alien to the polytheistic Europeans when the Christians promoted and/ or imposed it.

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