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Civil war James Mason

Siege, 16

Loyalty Only To Ourselves

Note of the Editor: Just compare the very first phrase of Mason’s article below with Andrew Anglin’s recent exchange with Greg Johnson that only normal American flags should be used in pro-white rallies. The difference between white nationalists and the real thing cannot be more conspicuous.
There is nothing outside Revolutionary National Socialism to which we can owe any loyalty. What we do, we do because it is the right, proper and manly course of action to take. We are in defense of nothing. We are everywhere on the attack.
When we cease attacking it will only be because the System has fallen and all its former members have been killed. At that point, we will be the State and the time will be for building. No individual, no manifesto, no abstract concept of any kind can we allow to influence our thinking or our actions. We find ourselves in the midst of a monster and circumstances dictate to us that our every move must be calculated toward killing the beast. No frills, no fanfare, no frivolities. Only practicalities, realities and necessities.
Mere fanaticism alone is not the ultimate indicator of a revolutionary movement whose time, it can be justifiably said, has come. All this must be in answer to the commands of the genes in our blood. This immediately rules out all the “Jim Jones”, all the “Hare Krishnas”, all the “Moonies”, and at the same time it rules out all the Reds and the off-brand socialists. We now state that only the affirmative answer to the call of the BLOOD decides which movement shall be the redeemers of an entire race of people.
For that reason it could have happened nowhere else but among the most hardcore of National Socialists. Consequently, we can trashcan any fantasies about the course of events in this country following the course they did in Germany.
Hitler could justifiably conjure up slogans of duty to Germany because the Germany he spoke of was still intact and the people were with him. The United States is GONE and that statement by itself means that the people inhabiting this piece of real estate are the very “goyim” that the Jews claim they are. And a “goy” can never be a National Socialist. To us they are merely the unconscious, unwitting, and unwilling carriers of the genes that can, under the proper care and leadership, re-achieve greatness and pull this planet out of its quicksand.
So much for “loyalty” to them!
It has got to be loyalty only to ourselves or else the rest may as well never have existed in the first place.
NSLF is the name under which those who are answering the call of their blood are doing so in the only manner in which victory has ever been achieved: armed struggle! That is who we are, why we are, and where we came from. With the decade of the Eighties now fully upon us, the decade of George Orwell’s 1984 upon us, with the liberal element now having accomplished its work, with the enthronement of a conservative regime to usher in—literally—1984, it is well for us to keep all this in mind.
Vol. X, #1 – January, 1981

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One reply on “Siege, 16”

No truer words were ever spoken. Life vs death, Faith vs fear, and Blood vs abstract theory.

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