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Podcasts in the language of Cervantes

The West’s Darkest Hour Radio Show has become bilingual. A brief podcast can be listened here. Since I talk in Spanish I won’t be advertising here future podcasts in that language. But Spanish-speaking visitors may find the links of future podcasts spoken in the language of Cervantes as I update the Addenda.

10 replies on “Podcasts in the language of Cervantes”

If you have some important things to say and you could feel yourself relaxedly with your native language, why don’t you start the Spanish audio podcast with English subtitles on whatever video hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo?

Impossible. That would mean hundreds of work hours if I start to speak at length in the podcasts. Most visitors to this site do not even read my Day of Wrath, which is a translation of some of my texts of my two books.
What I need is money to pay the expenses of pronunciation courses and be able to speak in English. Only thus I could discuss with Jake, Joseph and the guests in the radio show.

Also, since English is not my native language, I was in trouble often when listening to TWDH radio show episodes. You know, their quality is not extra high. So I would be indebted to you for possibility to read the full content as subtitles on video or as text transcript here. I believe many readers of this blog will second that motion. It’s a great pity, if you have no time and enthusiasm for this.

It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘enthusiasm’. It’s all about money and the fact that I am a relatively obscure blogger among the racist community.
If I could get a really wealthy sponsor the first thing I’d do is hiring a native English speaker and talk to him/her in marathon sessions of hours each day, so that s/he may correct my pronunciation and make me fluent. But like many racists I’m broke.

“A really wealthy sponsor” and any “marathon sessions” are delusive hopes. Things like that can happen, of course, but it is worthless to dream in this vein. You don’t need I to tell you what to do and how to do, however I’d like you to get out of the destitution and especially of the obscurity: think about creation of your magnum opus which will “shoot” at the dormant racist communities and awake them. For example, if you can write a kind of concentrated Fair Race’s Evangel (of Exterminationism), this book could open someone’s eyes. Also, why don’t you try to join some popular website like Renegade Tribune and become its author to inculcate more radical ideas into the devoted, but moderate White souls? Your blog is great and unique, but sometimes it seems to me a one-man-prisoncell…

I NEVER said that I realistically expected a wealthy sponsor, only that without money it’s silly to embark on the project of adding subtitles to, say, a 4-hour audio—especially since I don’t know shorthand.
My second volume in Spanish is almost a full-time job. There is where my energy has to go.

There is no point in talking to Spanish speakers, Nordics are not Spanish speakers. And you want to ignite the Nordic racial terminators, not Southerners.

>>> My second volume in Spanish is almost a full-time job. There is where my energy has to go.
>>> So true: that’s why no Spaniard wants to talk to me in podcasts, not even those who have “secret” NS Facebook pages!
Well, I have no idea then, what’s the point in your Spanish podcasts without English subtitles and in your Spanish books without English translation?
The bitter truth is: your Spanish works can be brilliant (beside you I know the nice example of Evropa Soberana), but they will address to the blind-deaf-mute Spaniard void or, at the most, the subhuman nazioid facebook clowns, while intelligible English material has a chance to make proper ideological shifts in reflecting, thoughtful and logical White men throughout the world.

I am getting tired of you.
Unless you have read the whole Day of Wrath (not the myopic comments I received in the latest DOW threads from those that haven’t read it either), you know NOTHING of what I write in Spanish.
The central theme of my books in Spanish is not even race, especially the first one. I started to write it in 1988: decades before I became fully conscious of race. And it’s not about politics either: it’s about presenting the trauma model to the public, and finally my philosophy of the 4 words.

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