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James Mason

Siege, 28

In the October-November issue of The National Sheriff Magazine there appears an article entitled, “Posse Comitatus: Threat of the County-Based Criminal Militarists”. The article is remarkable not only because the entire front cover of that issue is devoted to it, or because it is of exceptional length, or because it reads like something from out of the “good old days of the Radical Right”, but because it focuses attention on what has to be considered a genuine ray of light on an otherwise dark and dreary scene. It was written by one Phillip C. McGuire, who is the Assistant Director of Criminal Enforcement for the BATF (the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) and so we may accept this as top-of-the-run from the System point of view.
Given within the article is the genesis of the Posse Comitatus, including the names, dates, and places relevant to its birth and development. The blazing incident involving Gordon Kahl is given the space and attention it is due. An explanation of what Posse Comitatus means and stands for (which couldn’t fail to appeal to the right kind of person) is included. The Movement accusation against the Jews is given. Familiar Movement groups and publications are listed in connection. An outstanding and highly technical listing of armament recommended by the Posse Comitatus is recreated at length.
To properly appreciate the flavor of the article it is useful to quote the final two paragraphs in their entirety:

Based on the above information, it is apparent that certain members of the PC pose a clear and dangerous threat to society. Their reported philosophy of racism, antisemitism, and their total disrespect for non-elected law enforcement officers must be a major concern to all law enforcement agencies. Care must be taken when confronting these members to ensure that we do not look upon them as “just another tax protester”. They have proven that they will injure and kill law enforcement officers in the furtherance of their cause. Recall that between February 13, 1983, and June 3, 1983, Gordon W. Kahl and other members of the North Dakota PC killed three law enforcement officers and wounded an additional three officers.
If you have any questions concerning potential firearms and explosives violations in your area or if you need assistance in conducting firearms and explosives investigations against members of these types of groups, please contact your nearest ATF office for assistance.

Vol. XII, #11 – November, 1983

Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Psychology

Naïve dissent

‘I plan to spend the next few months here exploring a dizzying array of Western philosophers and theologians – St. Augustine…’ —Hunter Wallace

‘Dizzying’ is an euphemism. Does Wallace know that St Augustine was a monster? Just see the latest two instalments of Deschner’s book and judge by yourself; and I still have to add four more instalments from Deschner’s chapter on Augustine.
Wallace with Jared Taylor.
I was tempted to leave a link to my abridged translation of Deschner’s book in the comments section of Wallace’s recent article linking to videos about a naïve history of Christianity. But many Occidental Dissent commenters are as pious as the commenters of The Occidental Observer, who simply ignored me.
I wonder if these guys have even heard that an incredibly sourced[1] criminal history of their religion has been written? They remind me of the commies of Latin America, who have not heard about the criminal history of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1956.
No true believer in leftism that I know in this part of the American continent has read Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. Similarly, no American southern nationalist that I know has read Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.
My previous post was about an English gentleman that I like very much. Unlike most white nationalists he is a fan of a bilingual collection of classical books that I also love. But in spite of his classic erudition he, like Wallace, ignores the real history of his religion for the simple reason that the Church was particularly successful in burning every single anti-Christian book of antiquity.
It is not until now, with the efforts of the late Deschner, that the whole history of Christianity has finally come to light. It is true that it has not been translated into English. But has anyone among the southern nationalists read at least my translation of ‘Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Rome’?
Without the knowledge of how the Jews infected the Aryan psyche since the times of the Roman Empire, it will be impossible to save the fair race from the current exterminationist program. It’s impossible for the simple reason that the virus for the mind has been implanted in the mentality of whites since the times of Constantine. Absence of knowledge of what happened since then translates into remaining at the mercy of the Semitic malware.
[1] I am omitting the footnotes. In Deschner’s ten-volume work there are thousands of them.

Free speech / Free press Videos

Jez Turner!

I met Turner on 22 August of 2014 at The Victory Service Club in Seymour Street, close Edgware Road in London: probably the best day of my 20-day trip to the United Kingdom. It was the first time in my life that I met several white advocates of the intellectual type in a private meeting.
Just see what the Jews did to Jez recently…

George Lincoln Rockwell James Mason

Siege, 27

Defining the radical extreme

The question of who, and which, is the farthest out? For what reasons and towards what purpose? Among these types would be included all of the pioneers, the ground-breakers, the innovators, the outrageous, the unpopular, the unprofitable, the dangerous, the controversial, the misunderstood, and those in advance of their times. It’s been said that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, that the only aberration is abstention. What all of this does on the practical side amounts to the elimination of the surprise element, minimizes the chance of disillusionment, builds confidence and self-reliance, and helps gain for one the mastery of almost any situation. It also rids us of the cowards and fakers, as well as opportunists, as they can’t use it or hide behind it.
We can tolerate being regarded as inhabiting the far reaches of the outer limits if it means never being caught dragging behind anyone else. It behooves us to smile at those who today disparage our message if by our so doing we are striking out on the course that they themselves must one day follow. We would be fools and cowards to shirk the task and take for granted that someone else might take it up in our stead. We have so little to lose at this point and so much to gain; our prime enemies being stagnation, dogma, and muddle. It requires some daring and imagination to become the vanguard of a movement, and to remain so takes constant reappraisal and re-evaluation.
Had not Commander Rockwell taken the bull by the horns and risked everything—his “good name” as a conservative—over twenty years ago, where today would the Racialist Movement in the United States be? What was in 1960 the most dynamic and futuristic thinking, today is shared by practically one and all. But it was only through the supreme sacrifice of one man who was able to see farther than the rest in his own time. And still the situation demands more, far more. We could easily have another twenty years of marching ahead of us but it cannot be direction-less marching and it cannot be marching in circles.
People like to stay with what’s comfortable, especially those with a broad conservative streak in them. People dislike the shit-disturbers. However, comfort and routine do not make revolution. Where once Gus Hall was a firebrand with the power to shock the pants off all of us, today he is an old fogy. Seems as though all our REAL National Socialist leaders die in battle before they get the chance to atrophy thus. Maybe we are blessed in that manner. What we want—and what we believe we have achieved—is to make NSLF synonymous with the radical extreme, and when you seek to define the radical extreme, you need only recite those four letters to have it completely summed up.

Vol. XI, #7 – July, 1982


Traitors are worse than Jews

I find it increasingly exasperating to discuss with white nationalists, even with those who come regularly to comment on this blog.
A few seconds ago I had the following soliloquy remembering a taxi driver, a native Englishman, who took me to the train station in Essex, just outside of London, a few years ago. I asked him what he thought of the coloured immigrants in the area. He answered:
‘I love them!’
Now, what is worse: this native Englishman or the Jews of London?
It is obvious that the white is worse, as the traitor is worse than the enemy.
The monocausalists who leave their comments on this site are unable to see something so obvious. And don’t come up with the lame excuse that the poor Englishman was brainwashed by the Jewish media. Twenty years ago, when I lived in England for a year, I was shocked to see black men with English roses on the street. It was a time when I did not even know there was such a thing as white nationalism. I was a normie in many senses. But my instincts were noble.
If we take as a parameter of elemental nobility my sentiments when I was a normie twenty years ago, any Englishman—or white European or American male—who does not feel the same shock to see a subhuman walking with a white woman is a thousand times worse than any fucking kike you can mention. The traitor is worse than the enemy.
How is it possible that monos are so blind, so absolutely unable to see something so obvious?
Is it is because they suffer from the gravest sin of all: pride, and a sort of self-righteousness for their race? As I said in the epigraph of a recent entry: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in the Jude’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

James Mason Newspeak

Siege, 26

Terrorism redefined

Do we still happily accede to wearing just any favorite smear term the Jew System and its media chooses to hang on us (like the way Commander Rockwell did with adopting their term “Nazi”)? Or do we draw a line at how far we’ll allow these misnomers to go? Of course, to them, it doesn’t matter and neither does it matter to the sheepish masses of goyim what they call us or how we are thought of.
But it does matter to us the way we view ourselves and the nature of our struggle. We should not consider ourselves “terrorists” (anymore than we should consider ourselves “racists” even though we accept BOTH as facts of life), nor should we take it lightly when members of the Right—who should know better—refer to us as such.
We need to keep our definitions straight.
Who is a terrorist? When considering the hundreds of thousands of elderly Whites who are frightened to death inside and outside their homes on an unending basis because the System coddles and protects the criminal element officially, is that not terrorism? Brainwash and taste-making aside, when any individual knows clearly in his or her own mind that to buck the Jewish-liberal inspired consensus on everything from race to sex habits will lead to public ostracism and loss of employment, if not outright legal prosecution, is that not terrorism?
Kids brutalized and intimidated on a daily basis, year in and year out, because of savages they are forced into school buildings with because of government policy—is that not terrorism? Millions of White workers struggling against losing odds with taxes and inflation, facing loss of homes and all forms of security, oftentimes wondering where food is going to come from or where the winter heat will come from because of the official Jewish-Capitalist economy and the Mafia-style Internal Revenue Service—is this not terrorism? Yes, it most definitely IS terrorism and on a monumental scale! Worse than that, it is terrorism without the guts to present itself as such.
But just as Adolf Hitler pointed out regarding the Jewish use of the “Big Lie” technique, if you do it big enough, no one will recognize it for what it actually is. A case of the kettle calling the pot black. Because it is the System which owns and controls the media, none of the above-outlined horrors are described as what they in reality are. But let one individual or a small group of individuals dare to strike back! That, to the controlled media and softened brains of the masses, is terrorism! That gets the dirty name because it is small-scale and direct. It is a game and the game is a farce! We can expect no better from them but we must get it straight in our own minds if this struggle is to succeed.
Most of this country’s Founding Fathers believed that the rights of the White Men who built the country would be guaranteed by the “petition” and “redress” clauses written into the Constitution. But other men, like Thomas Jefferson, didn’t think so. Neither did Benjamin Franklin who accurately predicted just what shape this country would be in by the time of its Bi-Centennial with the Jews in the counting houses and the Whites toiling away like slaves. And with a sold-out government flying directly in the faces of the interests and the will of the majority, it is tyranny which rules this land today and nothing more or less. It is an alien tyranny and a Big Brother 1984-style tyranny because we don’t even enjoy the dubious pleasure of knowing or being able to SEE our tyrant.
But one thing is known: he is not White. It is a tyranny hiding under a cloak of “democracy”, a clever disguise which prevents any blame from being placed on and which allows the monster to perpetuate itself through chicanery referred to as the “two-party system”. It is true that the removal of one or a dozen goyish front men will not alter or remedy the situation. Only a TOTAL REVOLUTION can change it. But there must be a beginning, that first step in the thousand-mile journey. And the first steps are always the hardest.
When speaking of terrorism a line must be drawn between two types of terrorism: selective and indiscriminate. Some members of the Movement howl and complain over “System persecution”. True, this is an example of selective terrorism (because, I assure you, facing the System’s prisons can be a terrifying prospect) but as Hitler said, unless one picks up the daily Jewish press and sees himself slandered and vilified therein, he simply had wasted the previous day. Comrades you must expect that the System will attack but, when it does, for God’s sake, let it be FOR SOMETHING!!! No more damnable, pitiable frame-ups! Bring the attack to the Enemy!!
With regard to indiscriminate terrorism, the only difference between the prevailing conditions I outlined earlier in this segment and, for example, a Black massacre of a White settlement, is the degree of subtlety used and the time lapse. A Katanga savage with machete or an I.R.S. agent in a gray flannel suit, take your pick. Your money or your life. These methods are designed for three purposes: to cow a population; to fleece a population; or to annihilate a population. Not infrequently do all three happen, one after the other.
Terrorism is a two-way street for, as Hitler stated, the only answer to terrorism is stronger terrorism. We do face a naked tyranny here in the United States and it is employing terrorism to, first, wipe out the Whites as a majority force and, ultimately, to wipe them out as a race altogether. The System knows and we know that we are left no choice whatsoever. It is fight or die. We then are out to LIBERATE a nation from alien tyranny. It won’t be easy. When lightning is striking, blows are falling, history is turning and the stupid ones are groaning, “Oh, isn’t this violence awful?!”, we say: “To HELL with such lily-livers!! They haven’t seen anything yet.”

Vol. X, #11 – November 1981

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 25


At this stage of things, kidding ourselves would probably prove fatal, sooner or later. I urge against taking it on the chin or “leading with the chin”, as there are violent, revolutionary types out there aplenty to get things kicked off good and proper. Blacks, every shade of color in between, not to mention fanatic Reds, etc., plus nuts and more nuts. Add to this the slowly but steadily deteriorating conditions in the country, economic and otherwise, and you have a cake baking in the oven. You don’t want your cake to fall and you certainly don’t want to get yourself burnt. Instead, you want to be around for the ICING and most definitely the EATING of the cake! (Meaning the final seizure of power and exercising of same.)
Most communist outfits share so much in common with the Democratic Party platform that they’d be stupid to start any general disorder, and they know it. Only the extreme Left can be looked to for hope in this area. Black and colored nationalists as well. The cities, where these types reign supreme anyway, will always be the first to erupt when it’s time for things to jump off. As far as the “first wave” up against the System’s Pigs is concerned, I’d much rather it be them instead of us. They’re primed and “psyched up” for it already, armed to the very teeth, and suffer no shortage of expendable manpower. And any blame would be leveled towards them in the event of a miscarriage. Wish them well.
Recall the cornerstone of the U.S. Nazi Movement’s “grand strategy” of the Sixties? Rings crazy as hell today in light of developments over the past ten or fifteen years. It involved depending upon and even HELPING the Pigs against the urban revolutionaries!! We’d be absolute idiots to attack the Pigs ourselves in any attempt to initiate something of the nature of a general rebellion.
I cannot urge strongly enough: stay out of their way; deprive them completely of any excuse to come after you. This does not mean stay legal. It means stay sane and rational. And stay alive and at full liberty, because dead or locked up you’re no good to yourself or the revolution. Let the revolutionary mobs over whom we have no control and who would also kill us take the brunt of the first, strongest System counter-attacks, and let these same numberless mobs in the cities chew the hell out of the System’s hired elite. It couldn’t happen to a sweeter bunch.
There’ll probably be more than one revolution, back-to-back. The Reds and the Blacks, because this is what they’ve preached and prepared for all along, can be expected to lead the way. In the opening days and weeks of this phase, we can watch how the System is going to react, and how well it reacts. For us to attempt the same thing in the middle of an atmosphere of order would be outright suicide. Once there exists an air of disorder, the cards will be more in our favor. And we’ll be dealing in the smaller cities and towns, the countryside, where it might be possible to take things without the massive death and destruction that will occur in the major cities. Ultimatums, backed up by very real force, handed to local governments once they’ve learned what happens to their big city brethren, might just work wonders.
Only after the System is BROKEN and DISCREDITED will there come a hope of mobilizing the masses of Whites to tackle the job of winning what will soon enough assume the characteristics of a civil war.
Until then, for the present, give the Pigs nothing to do regarding ourselves but sit and get edgy. Once the shooting starts, keep out of the way of the mobs because they only perceive us as friends and allies of the Capitalists and the System. In the opening phases of any revolution, if the Red mobs don’t get you, the Pigs will. Let them instead kill one another. Developments will progress rapidly once all central power is gone and people realize they have nothing to lose anymore.

Vol. XIV, #9. September, 1985

Anti-Galilean quote

My problem with the typical christian, though, is that I find it near impossible to know precisely when he’ll start hallucinating about yahweh or jesus suddenly appearing before him, commanding him to mend his ways by adopting random niglets or donating his savings to the nearest zionist megachurch.


Racial right

Comfortable panopticon

Something can be learned after my rants of yesterday. Perhaps commenter Spahn Ranch (aka, Jack Frost) hit the nail with these words:

As you may recall, Hunter was loosely based on the career of serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin. The fact that Franklin is neither revered nor imitated in WN circles (and indeed, is hardly remembered at all) is proof that they aren’t serious.

The sad truth is that a large fraction of the right consists of badgelickers who worship the police and recoil instinctively from lawbreakers like Franklin, Manson, Roof, Breivik, and the rest. Such people are very proud that it’s whites who obey the law, which embodies the rules of the civilization whites have built, and they disparage lawbreaking as nigger-like behavior.
“Why whites did nothing?” you ask. Because the inmates are very proud of their prison, which they have built themselves, brick by brick. It’s a panopticon in which they double as guards, keeping each other in line. Even on the right, they value this prison/civilization more than their own racial life.

Also from yesterday’s comments, just see who are living outside the panopticon:


I am going to confess something that I had not said on the internet.

When I lived in Manchester in 1999, I met a short pardo from Puerto Rico who traveled with an American passport. He used to boast about his adventures to abduct and rape American girls within the US itself; and that sometimes he had to kill them because they were screaming. He fled to the UK to avoid being caught in the US after so many offenses.

I had a problem in the UK and he even lent me a hundred pounds to purchase my plane ticket. But before that, he told me about his plans to rob a jewelry store in London, and I even accompanied him to a secret place in Manchester where real men bought guns.

I am telling you this just to let you know that even within a single year of experience in your country I met people that are capable to fight like real men, even when this guy deserves immediate termination for what he did with white women.
This is a world for those who are willing to risk their lives, not for the fags so common in white nationalism. Remember, if whites would be behaving like ISIS instead of complaining about them, the West would be in a much better shape right now.

I must clarify that this guy was never my friend. I lived in the YWCA of Whalley Range and had to share the kitchen and TV room with this pardo. Nor was a friend of this guy:

I have met worse than the Puerto Rican!

Back in 1985, I had as a roommate in San Rafael, California, USA, a former soldier from El Salvador. He boasted stories of his killings, and even assassinations (as a paid assassin after the war). He also told me how he had watched, when combating the guerrilla fighters in El Salvador, other soldiers skinning alive a guerrilla fighter, and another plucking out another fighter’s eye with a spoon.

When you treat people of the Third World directly you meet quite an interesting fauna, believe me…

The bourgeois WNsts don’t realize that they live in a greenhouse like orchids reading essays about Batman on Counter-Currents: a greenhouse’s glass that’s about to be shattered and they’ll have to deal with the wild vegetation outside.

I have had experience with wild veg. Do they?

But the crux is what Spahn Ranch says: white nationalists are not to be taken seriously. They want to mix water and oil: law-abiding and racial preservation. Remember the recent quote by Linder: What makes a difference is one side uses lies and violence, the other side “keeps it legal.”

England Esau's Tears (book)

Mad like hell

I’m sorry, but since England was Swan’s Lake in terms of the beauty of the white woman (see my previous entry), what happened today has me on the verge of becoming a self-detonating vanguardist.
It is very rare for me to write four entries on the same day. I mean: no translations or citations, but my thoughts. But I’d like to answer what a friend who lives in England said today in another thread:

Yes, the underlying deficiencies—including the deficiency that enabled Jews to live among and exploit Aryans over and over again—were already present before the Jews existed but I’m fairly certain that without the Jews our race would not be facing the possibility of extinction at present.

It’s true what you say. Everyone who has read the masthead of this site knows that they were involved in the Hellstorm of the Ancient Word: a Christianization that for centuries destroyed our real culture. But I’d like to add something.
Throughout my reading of Esau’s Tears (a book that tells how, after the century of madman Napoleon, Jews were seizing the newspapers, the bank and education in Europe) I suffered horrors, always asking myself: ‘Holy shit: Why whites did nothing?’
Take into account that we are talking about the entire 19th century. Why since then, without any television, whites failed to react in an ultra-violent way (as my character commands)? Why the damned 19th-century bourgeois allowed the takeover by the Jewish quarter? What worms did they have in their heads even before TV?
What you say in the paragraph quoted above is very true. But it will always strike the natural-born killer that even without Hollywood whites behaved like lemmings (with the exception of Hitler, but that was already in the 20th century).
True: without Jews, whites would not be on the verge of extinction. But the fact that whites have been violating Newton’s law since Napoleon—to every action of Jewry thou shalt not oppose any sort of counter-reaction!—is what exasperates me extremely, to the point of daring to call them lobotomized eunuchs.