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Ancient Rome Deranged altruism Jesus New Testament St Paul Universalism

Heisman’s suicide note, 1

Editors’ note: To understand why I am reproducing excerpts from the book by Mitchell Heisman✡ see the previous entry. I won’t quote from Heisman’s previous chapter, where he accepts the claim of a 2nd-century Greek philosopher, Celsus, that Jesus’ father was a Roman soldier. (For a short blog article explaining such claim see for example: here.)
The following is taken from Heisman’s chapter on ‘How Christianity’s Subversion of Kin Selective Altruism Evolved into the Modern Idea of Social Progress’.

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Christian Altruism: The Selfish Meme
What is it like to take part in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Birth castrates some.
Owners castrate others.
There are those who castrate themselves for the Kingdom of Heaven.
(Matt. 19:10-12)

Christian love is a radical passive-aggression of the spirit. Whereas genetic insemination requires penetration of biological borders, memeic insemination requires penetration of mental or spiritual borders. Because Jesus’s mind-spirit was the penetration of the mental-spiritual borders that separated Jew and Roman, his spiritual ideas could penetrate and inseminate hitherto “natural” borders.

Editors’ note: What follows is very important, as most white nationalists are so brainwashed by Judeo-Xtian ethics that they are under the impression that hate is something evil, when only genocidal hatred will save the race from extinction.
Heisman continues:

What is hate? Why are so many people prejudiced against hate?
My subject here is not all varieties of hate, but rather, the kind of hate associated with racism or xenophobia. The roots of this form of hate can be discerned in its original evolutionary function as a genetic adaptation. Racism, xenophobia, and other hate feelings may be the product of an immunological response of a kin selective social body. From this sociobiological perspective, the love mechanism of Christianity functions as an inhibitor of the sociobiological-body immune response of hate towards strangers.
If xenophobic hate is like a sociobiological immune response to foreign bodies such as strangers, Christian memes dismantle the capacity for resistance to foreign social bodies by dismantling the capacity for hate. Christianity meme-viruses are comparable to the HIV virus that causes AIDS in that the religion, like HIV, specifically attacks the immune system. In attacking the immune system of a kin selective body, Christian meme-viruses spread as a “religion” with effects that are comparable to AIDS. What kills the AIDS victim in the end is usually not the HIV virus itself, but rather, opportunistic diseases that exploit the reduced capacity for immunological resistance by the victim.
If the greatest virtue of a Roman is embodied in duty to Rome, and the greatest realization of duty is self-sacrifice, then on the level of abstract thought, self-sacrifice is the highest virtue. Yet Roman duty is inherently unable to compete with Jesus’s idealization of altruism in itself.
Taking the self of altruism; the self-seeking selfishness of altruism-in-itself to its logical extreme necessarily sabotages its original biological evolutionary raison d’être. Total altruistic negation of the logic of the selfish gene leads to total bodily selflessness, total powerlessness, and an ethic of genetic self-destruction. The most universalistic altruism would be the genetic suicide of all humanity. Christian altruism can be looked upon as the survival strategy of Christian memes that are waging an evolutionary war against the genes of the believing Christian.
Christianity possesses an inherent memetic genius at spreading itself across the earth because it is strategically designed to simultaneously exploit and subvert kin selective altruism. It exploits altruism by seducing many of those with the most highly developed valuation of altruism evolved through genetic adaptation. It subverts this kin selective altruism by uprooting its behavioral expressions against its original basis in genetic adaptation. The notion of God the father, for example, leeches parasitically upon a classical model of patriarchy while deracinating its genetically adaptive origins.
The conflict here is natural kin selection versus Christian stranger selection; a more pagan discriminate love versus Christian indiscriminate love. The secret of the “universalism” of Christianity, then, is this countering of kin selection that promotes the reversal of the social mechanisms of inclusive genetic fitness. More specifically, Christianity works by reversing the normative kin selective prioritization between kinship and altruism. If kin selective behaviors are those that effectively subordinate altruism to kinship, then Jesus’s anti-kin selective behaviors are those that subordinate kinship to altruism.
If normative kin selection depends on altruism as a means of genes, then the ethics of Jesus reverse this relationship, demanding that genes become the means and servants of altruistic ends. There is an unmistakable conflict of interests between genes and memes here, and in this conflict, Jesus is unmistakable on the side of the God memes.
According to Mark 3:31-35, Jesus asked:

‘Who are my mothers and brothers?’ And looking at those who sat around him, he said, ‘Here are my mothers and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.’

To follow Jesus is to obey God over one’s genes; to obey these Jesus memes over one’s mother and father. The patriarchal family is correlated with kin selection since it represents a hierarchical division of labor that evolved through its conduciveness to gene propagation, i.e. the woman is subordinate to her role as gene propagator. Christianity taught gentiles a lesson integral to the original innovation of Judaism: jump out of the sociobiological system so as to approach a God’s eye view of things. If the sociobiological system begins with the family and culminates in Caesar, Jesus took the jump out of this system one step further from Judaism by attacking and overriding the roots of the system found in the bonds of the family.
Jesus effectually hacked the sociobiological system by propagating memes that, like a Trojan horse, infiltrate and change the rules of the system from the inside out. This is one way of looking at how Christianity gradually spread like an epidemic and overtook the Roman Empire.
The two kinds of predators, carnivores and parasites, correspond to the differential predatory survival strategies of Rome and Christianity. Between them is a struggle between genes and memes; power and influence; body and “spirit”. While carnivores rely on their superior strength and size, parasites must balance predation on their host with the minimal level of health requisite for the host’s existence. Viruses, for example, are classic parasites. They can reproduce themselves only by penetrating a host cell and injecting their genetic material so that the host constructs new viruses from the injected genetic code. New copies of the original virus then extrude or bud from the host.
The units of cultural information called memes have been called viruses because they also display this pattern of parasitism upon their primary hosts: human minds. All of the theologies, texts, and cultural inheritances that constitute Christian memes depend on the minds of their human hosts for their reproduction. Early Christianity displayed this same viral pattern from penetration to dissemination as it spread bottom up through the Roman Empire. Like a virus, early Christianity penetrated the minds of its hosts and injected its laws or codes of behavior. Christian moral codes call for behavior very different from the pagan naturalism that was usually more compatible with the unadorned genetic code of its host. Also like a virus, the Christian law of love contained evangelical instructions for its replication and further dissemination.
Christian ethics, so depraved from the standpoint of genetic fitness, live parasitically off genetic inclinations towards altruism evolved primarily through kin selection. Kin selection is by nature and definition exclusive, and Jesus generally stood for including the excluded. A part-outsider with Judaism, Jesus was also part-outsider as a Roman. In expanding the scope of Judaism for the excluded, he expanded appeal of Judaic tradition for the gentiles. By opening a place for the foreign within the context of Judaism, Jesus opened a place for the Judaic within the context of the Roman world. Jesus’s emphasis on treating outsiders as insiders among Jews ultimately brought gentile outsiders of Judaism into the Biblical world.
In this way, the Christian meme virus exploded the sociobiological walls of the late Roman Empire. The gospels portray Jesus as deliberately commanding his followers to spread his message, and his ultimate intentions may be gleaned from the parable of mustard seed. This is the only parable attributed to Jesus that has three independent attestations. The following version is from Mark 4:30-32:

With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable shall we use for it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.

Roman author Pliny the Elder (23-79 C.E.) noted in his encyclopedic Natural History that mustard “grows entirely wild, though it is improved by being transplanted: but on the other hand when it has once been sown it is scarcely possible to get the place free of it, as the seed when it falls germinates at once.”
So while mustard “with its pungent taste and fiery effect is extremely beneficial for the health”, even the domesticated variety breeds rapidly and can overrun the garden. If this strain is dangerous, then the wild one can wreak an agricultural epidemic. It not only gets out of control like a weed, but also can attract the further danger of nesting birds to the point of destroying the garden. The way of this aggressively multiplying weed, in Jesus’s parable, was the way of the Kingdom of God: a dangerous, pungent shrub with fiery effect that takes over where it is not wanted.
Love was not only beneficial, but also necessary, to the health of the Roman patriarchal-imperial order. However, too much of a good thing can become absolutely deadly if not controlled within proscribed bounds. Roman altruism and the Roman sense of duty was part of what made their empire one of the most effective political forces the world has ever known. But an altruism that is not disciplined, altruism that does not know its place, and altruism that does not conform to the order of the carefully cultivated Roman garden has the power to engender its very opposite.
The “mustard seeds” of Christian memes helped bring down the greatest power of its time. Paul, the most eminent Jesus freak of his generation, seems to have appointed himself Minister of Propaganda within the Kingdom of God. With his replacement of circumcision with baptism, the doing away with exclusionary dietary laws, the bestowing of elect status onto gentiles, and other innovations, he allowed the mustard seeds to plant deep roots.

3 replies on “Heisman’s suicide note, 1”

In truth I only really love my immediate family in the basic sense of kinship loyalty. To a lesser extent I love my extended family, my cousins and uncles/aunties etc. I can’t say I love the white race though I do feel a loyalty to it as it is my own race. Outside of the white race I don’t love any other races or animals either, though I don’t really feel hate toward animals and believe in treating them with kindness as far as is possible.
It is hate that drives me most of the time. Hatred for what the white race has become, hatred for traitors, hatred for Jews, hatred for coloured races and finally hatred for the human species as a whole. I like the emotion of hatred and find it cathartic and inspiring. Rather than let it to consume me I’ve learnt to harness it for creative thinking.
I have had feelings of romantic love for various females throughout my life but those feelings have always worn off eventually. And besides the eventual purpose of a relationship is to have children and raise a family, not continuously exist in that state of romantic love that first accompanies a couple that falls in love.
I am ever mindful of Nietzsche’s axiom “Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as they are not.”

If I understand the kike correctly, he’s saying that through Xtianity the Jewish memes have won the battle over Aryan genes; and that the creation of ‘God’ thru AI will even take that victory further, obliterating race altogether and even the human species.
If hatred is your drive, why don’t refute that thesis through the vindication of the genes over the memes (i.e., get a degree of biology in Open University and then try to emulate Dr Peters)?
If all whites have become infected, viruses certainly can do the trick. By wiping out all infected hosts kike memes will vanish: the hard way to force a fresh start.

heismann’s discussing the biomimicry of memes, and specifically the christian meme, and connecting kinship with the immune system makes the deadly genocidal christian virus clearer a low IQ’er commoner for me. (and one who still carries the virus, though vaccinated to some degree by the effects of reading sites like C.T.’s.) the biomimicry of [ideological] beliefs is viruses.

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