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The price

What is wrong with white nationalism? Simple: They do not give due credit to the most heroic awakening of the white race in modern history, the Third Reich. Listen for example what, in his most recent interview, Jared Taylor said about the Nazi burning of books (here). Similar pronouncements can be heard despising or simply ignoring Nazis from several main figures in the movement.

The fact that they don’t give credit to National Socialism betrays the pygmy stature of the character of most white nationalists compared to the character of the Teutons when my parents were young. It is impossible to become a winner beside them. We need a new generation of Aryans that leave all neo-Christianity and Americanism behind. And the same can be said about the Europeans of today—even about Faye, who died a week ago. What’s the point of saying this (‘Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difficult times’) while Faye participated, as an actor, in pornographic films when he was young?

We need a new generation of Aryans who love Hitler and hate the mythical Jesus. That is the price to save the white race from the danger of extinction: stop worshiping the non-existent god of the Jews and love the existing Aryan who tried to save you all.

5 replies on “The price”

a tragedy of epic proportion: that the fuking jew won’t allow the “world” to forget them with their goddamned mythical lies, while the germans stay forever silent. why? the bully with the biggest bang runs the show. the tables always turn in favor of the biggest bully. goddamned big science, big money, big data, big gu’ment funded. big gu’ment, offspring of the world wars. if one can buy Yukon Jack’s prison planet meanderings, then hitler was a cipher who somehow got through the cracks in the prison wall to rise to stature and power enuf to make a serious attempt at a prison shakedown. but the alien gods gathered their heavenly forces and tapped their goto jew & its allies and whamo. now we prisoners wither away in our cold dank miserable fuking cells waiting for the next crack in the wall.

We need a new generation of Aryans who love Hitler and hate the mythical Jesus. That is the price to save the white race from the danger of extinction: stop worshiping the non-existent god of the Jews and love the existing Aryan who tried to save you all. certain death — or life sentence — to all who take this mantra and “go ye into all the world,” preaching it as gospel. (and i preach to myself: a big fuking chicken shit.)

c.t., how long do you think it would be before wordpress did another censor on you if you made this your new banner head sticky post, White nationalists, stop worshiping the non-existent god of the Jews, Jesus, and start lauding the existing Aryan, Hitler, who tried to save you all.

I believe that the previous accident was due to threaded comments about the revolution, including Dr Peters, etc. My hunch is that WordPress censors are not concerned about debunking Christianity. It’s only the revolutionary wing of the commentariat what bothers them (again: my guess).

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