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SJW: an offshoot of Christianity

Editor’s note:Last month I mentionedthat the medieval monk Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) tried to create a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality. Fra Dolcino used thugs against the rich and fat bishops in his social justice war. Yesterday I posted ‘Lincoln refutes monocausalism’, where I quoted Robert Morgan’s comments in the last few months on Unz Review. The following is the most recent exchange of Morgan with folks on the right who still don’t get that Social Justice Warring has medieval roots:

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“I wonder if it has to do with the declining importance of religion among white liberals? That this SJW nonsense has taken the place of religion and they are its true believers out to stamp out any heretics.”

It’s a big mistake to set up an opposition between Christianity and modern liberalism. Modern liberalism is a Jesus-less sect of Christianity; one that, as Spengler observed about Marxism, has its roots in Christian theological thought. It acts like a religion and its adherents act like religious zealots because it is, and they are. Recognize that big liberal causes in contemporary America such as women’s rights and minority rights can trace their genealogy back to the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s, which fueled the abolitionist movement and eventually led to the Civil War, the result of which was full citizenship and the vote being given to negroes. All the rest of the unfolding racial disaster white America is currently experiencing got its start there.

America was founded by Puritans, Christian religious fanatics so uncompromising in their beliefs they had to leave Europe, and has never collectively apostatized from that religion[emphasis added]. Liberals may deny being Christians, and revile other Christians and even Christ himself, but unless they reject Christian ethics, specifically, the utopian Christian vision of universal brotherhood, they should still be regarded as adherents of rabbi Jesus. Disputes between Christians about what constitutes true Christianity and what is heresy have raged for almost two thousand years, so their seeming enmity towards each other isn’t unusual; it’s more the rule than an exception.

Obscuring this connection serves the purposes of both sides though, so it’s easy to lose sight of it and become deceived. Church-going Christian “conservatives” want to distance themselves from liberals even though liberals merely call for them to live up to raceless Christian ideals. They also can use the dispute to call for a return to “real” Christianity [Editor’s note: exactly what Fra Dolcino wanted], by which they mean their particular sect; so it’s a good recruitment tool.

Liberals, on the other hand, may want to distance themselves from church-going Christians and even Christianity, but this is just a pose, like an ex-prostitute who now claims to be reformed, or an alcoholic who got on the wagon and stopped drinking. No matter what they may claim, liberals remain the spiritual descendants of abolitionist John Brown, a Christian religious fanatic referred to by his contemporaries as “the last Puritan”.