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Heinrich Himmler NS booklets Schutzstaffel (SS) Third Reich

April 20 gift

The best gift I received yesterday, on the Führer’s anniversary day, were the fifteen booklets I had requested from Third Reich Books: most of them authored by SS men. Although the publishers have been deplatformed by banks that issue credit cards, it’s still possible to acquire them.

In my previous post I reported the poison that the most successful series on television put us. What Himmler wrote inside the front cover of the original German booklet is the perfect antidote:

Men of the SS and Police!

Two weapons are available to each folk in the struggle for existence. Its fighting strength and its natural fertility. Never forget that the fighting strength alone cannot secure the folk’s survival into the distant future. The inexhaustible fountain of its fertility is also necessary.

Read this book, which I have given to you, and act accordingly. The victory of German arms must be followed by the victory of the German child.

H. Himmler.

The translation was published under the title SS Man, Be Fruitful. But the original title Sieg der Waffen—Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms—Victory of the Children) better reflects the content. Nothing can be more antithetical to the ethno-suicidal feminism of television than the simple message of this brief pamphlet, packed with photographs.

A year ago I complained that the sites of white nationalism didn’t pay tribute to the birthday of the Führer. This year I didn’t want to inquire if the same thing happened yesterday. It is time to dismiss what is written in the US to find out what was written in these booklets available in several languages: here.

Architecture Degenerate art Feminism Game of Thrones Stanley Kubrick

The broken man

‘The Broken Man’ is the seventh episode of the sixth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 57th overall. Here the series exacerbates its previous feminism to surreal levels. It is not enough that the show introduces a woman as the feudal lady of the beautiful medieval castle that we see above. She is a ten-year-old girl. And worst of all, the fans loved this new character!

Some Americans wondered yesterday how the judicial system gave in to the BLM threat by condemning a white cop in the case of the black man who died on the asphalt. One clue to how the West got to this point is simply to notice what TV fans like: a world upside down. In the episode this brat, Lady Mormont, speaks authoritatively as a feudal lord, and initially disparages Jon Snow and Sansa Stark who ask for help in their campaign against the Boltons.

In Volantis we see Yara and another woman making out publicly. But Yara is not a lesbian in Martin’s novel. This is another excess of the scriptwriters to demoralise the white viewer. (Yara also harangs her ‘little brother’, the phrase she uses, so that he stops being a broken man.)

The penultimate scene is even more surreal than that of the ten-year-old feudal lady. Arya, seen here in Braavos with the background of a kind of Colossus of Rhodes, is stabbed several times in the stomach by the Waif and she survives the attack! All of these images come from this episode, including Blackfish’s Castle below, and above with Jaime Lannister on the bridge.

The trick used by the creators of Game of Thrones is to mix the beauty of Aryan architecture with poisonous messages for the white soul. It reminds me of Kubrick’s virtuosity in filming 2001: A Space Odyssey so that his next movie, A Clockwork Orange, was so poisonous that it was banned in England for several decades.

The sower

There’s something I don’t like about the alternate history comments in my previous post: they don’t go deep enough. The deep thing is to ponder why the Americans and the British weren’t fascinated by the Third Reich, not whether or not Stalin was going to invade Germany in 1941.

A profound insight would be what a Broken Bran would see thanks to the Weirwoods network: that both the Soviet Union and the United States came from the same trunk, from the same ideas that originated the French Revolution: neo-Christian branches of equality and fraternity, artificially imposed by the State.

If we are to speculate about alternative history, the only profound speculation that occurs to me is to imagine a West that had not been infected with the ideas of the Bible which, as we know, allows ethnocentrism for the chosen people while, in the New Testament, it requires us to love any neighbour.

We can already imagine a truly alternative history in which neither the inhabitants of the British island nor the white settlers on the other side of the Atlantic, which in my fantasies I call New Scandinavia, would have been Christians. But let’s go back to the real history.

What happened to Hitler is that he was a sower who went out to sow. And while he was sowing, some of the seed fell by the road but the birds came and ate it. And some fell among thorns, and they grew and choked it. Some fell on rocky ground, where there was not much soil. It sprouted early because it had no depth of earth, but when the sun rose it burned, and because it had no roots it dried up.

And no part fell on good ground, where it would have borne very abundant fruit, because the white fools for two thousand years had drunk the poison that came from the lips of a fictional character, Yeshu.

2nd World War

How Hitler could’ve won the war

Excerpt from How Hitler Could Have Won World War II, by Bevin Alexander, pages 49-52:

[Erich] Raeder [chief of the German Navy] felt that the senior army generals had a “purely continental outlook,” did not understand the war-winning opportunities that had opened up on the south shore of the Mediterranean, and would never counsel Hitler correctly. Although the OKH and OKW did advise Hitler to send troops to North Africa, their proposals lacked Raeder’s urgency. Never did Brauchitsch, Halder, Jodl, or Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief of staff of the OKW, express the conviction that the war could be won in the Mediterranean, although Keitel told Benito Mussolini that capture of Cairo was more important than capture of London. Part of their hesitancy lay in the knowledge that Hitler had been fixed for a long time on destroying the Soviet Union and gaining Lebensraum for the German people. Their careers depended upon not rocking that boat. However, they never stressed to Hitler, as did Raeder, that victory in the Mediterranean would make it easier, in the end, to achieve victory over the Soviet Union.

Once Axis forces overran Egypt and the Suez Canal, they would close the eastern Mediterranean to the Royal Navy. The British fleet would immediately retreat into the Red Sea, because it could not be supplied sufficiently by means of convoys through the western Mediterranean. Whether or not the Germans seized Gibraltar by a direct attack—and this was virtually excluded because of [Spanish dictator Francisco] Franco’s opposition— Britain strategically would be paralyzed.

The Axis could move at will into the Middle East, for the British had no substantial forces there. Thus, not only would Syria and Palestine fall, but German panzers could seize Iraq and Iran with little effort. These two countries produced much of the world’s oil, and their capture would provide ample amounts of Germany’s single most-needed strategic material.

The advance on the southern frontier of Turkey would put the Turks in an impossible position. Hitler was already in the process of gaining Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria as allies. Therefore, Turkey could be approached either by way of Bulgaria across the Bosporus at Istanbul or from northern Iraq and Syria. Turkey would be forced to join the Axis or grant passage for Axis forces and supplies. A defiant stance would result in the swift defeat of the Turkish army and disaster.

Passage through Turkey would reduce the importance of Malta and Gibraltar. However, both could be eliminated without the active support of Franco and without direct assault.

German forces could easily occupy French North Africa ( Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) with or without Vichy France’s cooperation. From French Morocco, they could approach from the south the small strip of Morocco along the Strait of Gibraltar ruled by Spain. Spain would be forced to grant transit rights, or stand aside if German forces occupied the strip without permission. Spain could not resist for fear of a German attack into the heart of Spain from France. Consequently, German airfields and batteries could be set up along the south shore of the strait. This would close it to Britain—without an expensive military assault on the rock of Gibraltar.

Furthermore, closing the Strait of Gibraltar would force the British to abandon Malta, because they could not supply it.

With the Royal Navy out of the Mediterranean, it would become an Axis lake. This would permit German forces to occupy all of western Africa, including the French base at Dakar, in Senegal. Aircraft, ships, and submarines from Dakar could close down much of Britain’s convoy traffic through the South Atlantic, even without seizure of the Cape Verde islands.

In the Middle East the strategic payoff would be even greater. German forces in Iran would block that country as a route for supplies to the Soviet Union from Britain and the United States. Russia would be left with only the ports of Murmansk on the Barents Sea and Archangel on the White Sea through which goods from the west could be funneled. This would require dangerous passages in atrocious weather, with constant danger of attacks by German ships and aircraft stationed in Norway.

Even more important, the Soviet Union’s major oil fields were in the Caucasus and along the western shore of the Caspian Sea, just north of Iran. Germany could threaten not only an attack directly from Poland and Romania in the west but also from the south through the Caucasus to the Soviet oil fields. This danger of envelopment and quick loss of oil would immobilize Stalin, and obligate him to provide Germany with whatever grain and raw materials it might need. In other words, Germany—without loss of a single soldier—would have the benefits of the Soviet Union’s vast materials storehouse, as well as delivery of tin, rubber, and other goods from southeast Asia by way of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

A German position in Iran also would pose a huge threat to India, agitating for independence under Mohandas K. Gandhi and other leaders. From Iran Germany could invade India through the Khyber and other passes, invasion routes long before and long after Alexander the Great made the passage in 326 B.C. Germany would not actually have to do a thing. The threat alone would force Britain to commit every possible soldier to defend its crown jewel. Germany, again without the expenditure of a single man, could immobilize Britain.

In possession of the Middle East, all of North and West Africa, and Europe, its armed forces virtually intact, its economy able to exploit the resources of three continents, Germany would be virtually invincible. Britain’s defiance on the periphery of Europe would become increasingly irrelevant. Germany would not have to inaugurate an all-out U-boat war against its shipping. Britain’s remaining strength would have to be expended in protecting its empire and the convoys to and from the home islands.

The United States would have no hope of launching an invasion against the mainland of Europe and an undefeated and waiting German army until it had spent years building a vast navy, army, and air force, not to speak of the transports, landing craft, vehicles, and weapons necessary for such a giant undertaking. It is possible that the United States would take on this task, but the chances for its success would be extremely small. Far more likely, the American people would turn first to counter the expansion of Japan in the Pacific.

Meanwhile Germany could consolidate its empire, bring subject nations into an economic union, and grow more powerful economically, militarily, and politically every day. Before long, the world would become accustomed to the new German Empire and insist on a return to normal international trade.

This at last would give Hitler the opportunity he had sought for decades. He never wanted more of the Soviet Union than the region west of the Ural mountains. Once a de facto cease-fire had been achieved, Hitler could strike at European Russia from south and west, drive Stalin and the surviving Soviets into Siberia, and get the Lebensraum he coveted.

Should be a national holiday

throughout all the West…

Feminism Game of Thrones

Blood of my blood

‘Blood of My Blood’ is the sixth episode of the sixth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 56th overall. In the pics we see the moments when Samwell Tarly, Gilly, and Little Sam arrive at Horn Hill, the seat of House Tarly.

The first female-male role reversal occurs when stupidly Mace Tyrell asks his mother Olenna ‘What’s happening?’ He cannot see something so obvious. His mother angrily replies: ‘He’s beaten us. That’s what’s happening’ referring to the High Sparrow. The writers always put Olenna as a very clever woman and her son, the head of House Tyrell, as a goofball.

The second inverted message belongs to another order of magnitude. In the huge semi-desertic area known as the Dothraki Sea, there is a dialogue between Daario and Dany that perfectly portrays Dany’s figure. Daario tells her that she is not made to sit on a throne, but that she is a born conqueror. With a horde of Dothraki following them faithfully, I couldn’t help but think of the figure of Alexander the Great in the wake of successful conquests that Dany has left in several seasons: Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen (in the eighth season she would also conquer King’s Landing, Westeros’ capital).

Then Dany, mounted on her dragon of course, gives a conquering harangue to this horde of ‘Mongols’ so that these coloured savages invade Westeros, on the other side of the sea, kill their white enemies ‘in their iron suits and tear down their stone houses’. As expected, with a roar of Dany’s dragon the stupid episode ends.

Feminism Feminized western males Game of Thrones

The Door

‘The Door’ is the fifth episode of the sixth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 55th overall.

The first bad message of the episode is seen in the gloomy House of Black and White: two teenagers, Waif and Arya, fight in an exercise of their training. No healthy society trains cute teenagers to become ruthless assassins. (Remember that what Arya did in a previous episode is worthy of a sadistic scene filmed by a madman like Tarantino.) Jaqen H’ghar, who presides over the temple, has no male apprentices: only those two girls and some silent servants. He doesn’t even have a sexual interest in the girls. The way these shots, while fictional, put pressure on the collective white psyche should never be underestimated. Much of today’s psychosis in the West is due to whites wanting to imitate what they see on TV.

The second bad message of the episode is seen when Theon, at the Kingsmoot gathering, supports Yara’s claim to the throne before Euron arrives. Far away, in Vaes Dothrak, Jorah makes a fool of himself telling Dany, in front of Daario, that he loves her—even though he knows that Daario, not him, has been banging Dany. Typical of an emasculated man in front of the woman’s figure.

Feminism also reigns in the great pyramid of Meereen even with Dany absent. Kinvara, the ‘High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light’ speaks to Tyrion and Varys with such amazing clairvoyant powers that she leaves this pair dumbfounded, presumably the smartest pair of males in Westeros. Never in the series had Varys been psychologically beaten like that.

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Cicero Quotable quotes

Cicero quote

Omnium rerum principia parva sunt.

Feminism Game of Thrones Racial right

Book of the Stranger

‘Book of the Stranger’ is the fourth episode of the sixth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 54th overall. Tyrion, Varys, and the mulatto couple outside Meereen are barely seen in this photo.

From this episode Sansa loses her femininity and begins to speak like a man. Interestingly, yesterday I saw a video from a Spaniard about ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem. I had never heard a rabbi speak in such perfect Spanish. The customs of these ultra-orthodox Jews allow them to have families of a dozen children, just what the Aryans need for the Master Plan of conquering the world.

If white nationalism were not fake, the first thing they would do would be to reclaim their women. And that can only be done through a transvaluation of current values to common patriarchal values in the West until not long ago. Such transvaluation would explode the Aryan population to world-conquering levels, the healthiest thing we could imagine. If Jews have power, it is because they respect male-female bipolarity. If the Aryans are dying out, it is because they believe that a beautiful nymph like Sansa can suddenly begin to think like a general, advising Jon Snow how to get Winterfell back from the Boltons. All messages from Hollywood, the media and the universities are toxic to whites. But if whites weren’t crazy, they would write reviews exposing every feminist message of the most famous television series.

It’s not just Jon, at the Wall, who is reluctant to wage war on the Boltons. At King’s Landing the High Sparrow allows Margaery to visit her brother Loras, both prisoners in the dungeons of the Faith Militant. And just as Sansa harangues Jon to fight, Margaery harangues Loras not to give up, as psychologically he seems a broken man. Margaery, on the other hand, is presented as the strong one who resists the pressure of religious fanatics. But Loras replies that he can’t be strong, even though Margaery wants to encourage him.

As if that wasn’t enough, after escaping from Ramsay, in the Iron Islands Theon talks to his sister Yara. Once again the male-female roles are reversed, to the point of rendering Yara as incredibly manly and Theon as another broken male. Those games in kindergartens where boys and girls exchange clothes are unnecessary in this brave new world if we see it even in hours of television entertainment, like this series that so many millions have seen. Worst of all is that Theon tells Yara that it is she, now that their father has died, who must rule the Iron Islands. (Remember that no woman has ever been the queen of that wild kingdom of fishermen that assaults their neighbours as the Vikings did.)

Then Sansa convinces Jon to declare war on Ramsay, but the role-reversal scenes don’t end there! In Vaes Dothrak, Dany provokes the gathered khals and kills them by setting fire to the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen (she is miraculously unburned). Martin seems to have been inspired by the Mongols to describe the Dothraki, who are even more primitive than the most barbarous in Westeros. To make matters more ridiculous, after cremating alive the great khals Dany is left with the armies of these ‘Mongols’ for her own SJW purposes. End of episode!